September 28, 2015

5 Motivating Thoughts to Start Your Week

The way you begin your Monday can set the tone for the whole week. You want to wake up without hitting "snooze", make a nutritious breakfast smoothie in your personal blender, get a quick workout in and put your mind in a positive place. Try thinking about these five motivational concepts before you head off to work this week.
1. Who can I help today? 
Many people approach their workday with the attitude that they have to "get it over with." But "The Buddha Walks Into the Office" author Lodro Rinzler​ advises people to get rid of these negative ideas and instead think about more personal relationship goals. Rather than watching the clock, focus on helping your fellow coworkers - you may not enjoy your job, but you'll appreciate helping someone else, even with simple tasks.
2. I'm going to have a productive meeting today
Inc. magazine recommended employees schedule productive meetings in the morning as often as possible. A meeting that can help you or your project to move forward and succeed won't just fill you with hope, but can help motivate and energize you from the moment you get out of bed.
3. What are my goals for the week?
Setting and visualizing achievable goals each day is the perfect way to motivate yourself to be productive. On Monday morning, think about what you'd like to accomplish that day and throughout the week both at work and for yourself. Think about or write down actionable steps to get you from visualization to completion, then begin to execute your plan.
4. I don't have to be caught in a routine 
Switch up your commute, your work day schedule or your evening activities to give yourself a break from routine. Although it can be comforting to do the same things each day, you're likely to learn more and experience new things by broadening your horizons, even if that just means walking a different way home from work.
5. I'm excited about something
Whether you're having trouble getting motivated about school, work or other aspects of your weekly schedule, there's no better motivator than taking a minute to think about something you're excited for in the future. Whether it's a new movie coming out, dinner with someone special, a holiday or a trip, when you find yourself feeling dejected, visualize what you're excited for and move forward.

June 19, 2015

Help me be a better friend!

I woke up this morning Thinking of how to be a better friend and I do think as my mind told me that you as my friend will help me be a better friend by telling me your church mind about me. Please do take out time to answer these few questions about me and I promise to put into work all that will not change the Henry in me. 1. What do you hate most about my character? 2. How have I been a bad friend? 3. What do you think will make you quit being my friend? 4. What do you like about me? 5. What do you see as a trait to our friendship? 6. What else do you want to say about our friendship? Leave your answers as a comment on this link and I will do all I can to be a better friend before the end of 2015 first half(June 30).